


Instantly know what each team member is working on.


Less Clicking. More Doing.

Canopy Workflow helps you focus your time on the right things.


Firm-wide visibility

No more “I thought you were working on that!” Know exactly who is assigned each piece of work, what’s been finished, and what’s still outstanding.


Improve process efficiency

Create templates, assign tasks in bulk, build automations—everything you need to free up more of your time. And then it's just wash, rinse, repeat.


Enhance accuracy

It’s easy to forget, slow down, miss a notification, make simple mistakes. Canopy workflow is built just for accounting firms so your human error rate goes way down.

Workflow + Client Engagement
Workflow + Document Management
Workflow + Time & Billing
Better together

+Client Engagement

  • Directly create tasks from an email, attach an email to a task, and comment on tasks

  • Build singular and bulk client requests into automated workflows

  • Automate email updates based on task/work progress (image on left)

  • Create pooled/queued work with Role assignments

  • Simplify client creation processes with roles built in to client record templates

Better together

+Document Management

  • Workflow template - include client requests, fillable PDFs, eSignatures

  • Create workflow automations for reminders, status updates on client requests,

  • Send bulk clients requests to collect documents

  • Recurring tasks - automate client requests for documents on a schedule (image on left)

Better together

+Time and Billing

  • Create and manage time entries per task/subtask

  • Profitability reports

  • Capacity planning (image on left)

  • Comparing billable vs. non-billable hours

  • Internal tasks (write up/write down, send invoices, clear WIP, enter/manage time entries)


Workflow & automations built for accountants.

Canopy puts the flow in workflow.

  • Track & filter tasks for easy project management
  • Make assignments to users or roles
  • Automate project creation with Engagements

Two brains are better than one.

And three are better than two (especially when one is a computer).

  • Build robust templates with automations
  • Create recurring logic for predictable projects
  • Tag colleagues on tasks to clarify or notify

“Canopy is solving my CRM needs, as well as email organization, task management, templates, and automation, all with a client portal mobile app. Canopy has become the perfect solution to organizing my practice in one place.”

Canopy User/G2 Review

“We use Canopy to create and manage internal tasks.  Specific follow-ups, customer requests, internal research tasks, and other to-do items can be quickly established, assigned, and tracked to completion with straight-forward steps. Staff can readily pull up their task lists, update them based on progress made, and request assistance or review.”

Rodney Schmisseur

“We have loved the task side of things for our firm. It helps us stay organized and we always know where things are at. Our task management is better than it ever has been before. The file structure is very user friendly and has little features that make our processes simple.”

Brandon T./G2 Review

“Overall, my firm's experience with Canopy Software has been amazing. The platform is user-friendly, customizable, and offers a wide range of automation options that have helped me save a lot of time.”

Jermill G./G2 Review

“Canopy has allowed our firm to operate more efficiently, allowing for a number of manual processes to be automated, giving us more visibility over workflow, and the list of positives goes on and on.”

Kyle G./Canopy User


Know your firm's limits.

Work with what you've got & create efficiencies.

  • Manage tasks with roles for flexible assignment & work queues
  • Utilize a live, visual Capacity Planning dashboard
  • Associate projects with budgeted & actual time

Put more flow in your workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Reach out to our support team.

Yes, Canopy allows users to set automated conditions and actions on tasks, subtasks, and client requests as subtasks. Additionally, these automation rules can be implemented inside of templates, which will help save your firm time and reduce human error when you are dealing with repeatable processes or one-off tasks. 

Canopy offers everyone a holistic view of your firm. You and your team can see a birds-eye view of what’s happening with a firm-wide dashboard and related notifications. Additionally, Canopy helps eliminate excessive client communication because they see their account status update as you work through their associated documents, tasks, or assignments. 

Yes! You’re on-the-go and so is Canopy. Utilize our intuitive mobile app to view, follow up on, or update tasks so that you don’t have to be back at your desk to keep your firm moving forward. 

Yes! We provide 37 task templates to help you get started with workflow so you don’t have to start from scratch. The rest of the templates are personal preference, but your specialist can help you with best practices and recommendations.