Log in to coursesSection 199A is by far one of the most complex things to come out of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act and if you are like most practitioners, you may be left wondering, now what? What am I supposed to do with this now that I am stuck with trying to figure this thing out for tax returns, and do they really expect me to read hundreds of pages of rules & regulation during tax season? When it first came into effect, there were many unknowns, and even though we now have the benefit of having final regulations issued, there is a large amount of information to sift through.
This course will give you the highlights of the final regulations issued in 2019 that help to finally clarify what a Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB) is, as well as a Trade or Business in general. Additionally, we expand on the new Rental Real Estate Enterprise creation with the proposed Safe Harbor rules issued with Notice 2019-07. This course is part of a three-part series of courses designed around this tricky deduction, and designed to bring you up to speed and provide confidence that you are handling this correctly for your clients.
[[item.credit_type.map(x => x.name).join(", ").replace(/, ([^,]+)$/, " & $1")]] | [[item.credits]] [[item.credits === 1 ? "Hour" : "Hours"]]
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