Industry News

What Is CAS Accounting? What You Need To Know

CAS firms focus on advisory accounting services rather than a compliance-heavy service. But, what exactly is it? Learn more below! By now, you’ve probably heard of CAS, CAAS,...

7/01/24 LEARN MORE
Pop Culture's Most Iconic Number Crunchers

In pop culture, as in life, accountants often get a bad rap. Most people don't fully understand what accounting entails, and even fewer care to find out. But as these characters...

2/16/24 LEARN MORE
The Top Accounting Conferences to Attend in 2025

To keep a pulse on the accounting industry, staying connected to what's happening is essential. Trade shows are the perfect opportunity to explore trends, gain new insights, and...

2/05/24 LEARN MORE
What is a CAF Number and How To Get One: Step-By-Step Guide

If you are looking to start offering tax resolution services, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of first. One of those things is getting a CAF Number. We’ll walk you...

1/31/24 LEARN MORE
Canopy: A Leader in Accounting Practice Management

Canopy is proud to announce that it continues to be a leader in practice management software. We understand that, like the accounting industry, we must strive to evolve and...

10/02/23 LEARN MORE
Why Are Accountants Quitting?

The accounting profession has always been challenging and demanding, requiring much time, dedication, and attention to detail. However, in recent years, there has been a growing...

5/23/23 LEARN MORE
Top 10 Influential Women in Accounting and Tax in 2023

Women make up nearly 60% of the accounting service industry according to 2023 data. In honor of International Women's Day, we rounded up a list of the Top 10 Innovative Women in...

3/08/23 LEARN MORE
20 Hilarious Memes That Will Make Any Accountant Laugh

We know accounting can be a tough field full of numbers and serious work. And sometimes, that work can be taxing (pun intended.) But seriously, we all experience problems with...

2/01/23 LEARN MORE
Everything Accountants Need to Know About the IRS Migration to

This summer, the IRS will transition its online services for tax professionals to third-party authentication software company What does that mean for accountants? You’ll...

1/05/23 LEARN MORE
Your Favorite Accountants in Pop Culture

Have you ever wondered how the rest of the world views your job? Entertainment can sometimes give us a peek through that window. Usually, when we want to plug into TV or movies,...

7/27/22 LEARN MORE
IRS releases new tax brackets for 2022

On Wednesday, the IRS announced the new and higher federal income tax brackets for 2022 to account for inflation.

7/01/22 LEARN MORE
13 Accounting Influencers You Might Not Be Following

These days, social media is a necessity in today's business world. It's a place to make connections, network and keep a pulse on your industry. Search algorithms have become more...

6/21/22 LEARN MORE
High Gas Prices Cause Unusual Midyear Mileage Rate Increase By IRS

If you’ve driven at all in the last few months, you’ve probably noticed the unusually high gas prices across the country. According to AAA, the national average is nearing $5 per...

6/10/22 LEARN MORE
Come See Us at AICPA Engage 2022!

After more than one year of staying indoors and working remotely, Canopy is excited to get back out there and attend our first in-person trade show in over a year: the American...

5/16/22 LEARN MORE
3 Skills CAS Accountants Need to Succeed

Transforming your firm’s focus to CAS, or advisory work, for clients is no small feat—you must be committed to changing how your organization runs and be ready to say goodbye to...

4/20/22 LEARN MORE

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