
Prep for Tax Season by Getting a Small Business Loan

Tax filing season—which starts January 1st and ends April 15th—is by far the busiest time of year for tax professionals. A 60-hour, six-day workweek is not uncommon for many CPAs....

12/23/16 LEARN MORE
New Form: California Form FTB 3561

You know that filling out every form for your client's tax resolution case is one of the most time-consuming aspects of tax work. But that's all about to change. If you're a tax...

12/21/16 LEARN MORE
FAQ About Canopy’s 2-Minute Transcripts Tool

Q: Is Canopy IRS compliant? Yes, Canopy complies with all published requirements by the IRS. The IRS has several requirements for tax software solutions to ensure compliance,...

12/21/16 LEARN MORE
We Legal, APC: Canopy’s Intuitive Interface Makes Employee Onboarding...

12/16/16 LEARN MORE
Hurwitz Tax Solutions: Canopy’s Collections Workflow Reduces...

The volume of paperwork that goes with tax resolution can put a strain on client relationships—especially when they’re already being bombarded and overwhelmed by the IRS. But...

11/30/16 LEARN MORE
5 Perks of Running Your Own Tax Practice

Practice ownership can have many challenges. To name a few, your income can be unpredictable – you are responsible for the financial well-being of your employees and the last one...

11/28/16 LEARN MORE
Renew your PTIN in 5 Easy Steps

You made it through another crazy Thanksgiving, which means it’s officially the 2016 Holiday Season! For most people that means it’s time to put on some nostalgic music and dust...

11/25/16 LEARN MORE
8 Common Tax Resolution Methods You Should be Using

There are a myriad of tax resolution methods that tax professionals can use to help their clients on the state, local, and federal level. Tax agencies provide a variety of these...

11/23/16 LEARN MORE
5 Ways to Improve Your Practice's Online Presence

So your practice has a website. In fact, you have more than just a website. You have listings on Google Local and Yelp. You have a Facebook page for your business. You might even...

11/14/16 LEARN MORE
8 Steps To Add Tax Resolution To Your Practice | Canopy

So you decided to take the leap and add tax resolution to your practice. Congratulations! You're well on your way to doubling your monthly income and discovering a new sense of...

11/11/16 LEARN MORE
Earn Your CPE Credits with Canopy's CPE Series

It's about that time – the year is winding down and you're hard at work checking off your pre-tax-season checklist. One thing that should be on the top of your list? Earning those...

11/10/16 LEARN MORE
A Tale of Two Tax Pros: How Much Money is Tax Resolution Worth?

This is another tale of our two favorite tax professionals: Canopy Ken and Owen Oldschool. As we've chronicled before, Ken and Owen are remarkably similar guys who live...

11/04/16 LEARN MORE
How to Get Power of Attorney

In order to start representing clients in tax disputes, you need to be certified as a CPA, an attorney, or an enrolled agent. Any of these certifications will allow you to work...

10/28/16 LEARN MORE
A Basic Intro to Doubt as to Liability

Doubt as to liability is a form of Offer in Compromise that comes into play when a taxpayer doesn’t actually owe the tax the IRS claims they do. This isn’t a question of amount or...

10/03/16 LEARN MORE
Why You Should Stop Filling Out IRS Forms ASAP

Tax work is full of simple tasks that seem systematically designed to devour your time. These time-eaters—things like defining simple terms for your client via email, writing the...

9/28/16 LEARN MORE

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