
Make More of Your Commute With These 10 Podcasts

One of the most productive things accountants can do during their morning commute is expand their knowledge by listening to industry-related podcasts. No matter what area of...

6/27/22 LEARN MORE
13 Accounting Influencers You Might Not Be Following

These days, social media is a necessity in today's business world. It's a place to make connections, network and keep a pulse on your industry. Search algorithms have become more...

6/21/22 LEARN MORE
Top 5 Ways to Manage Workflow at Your Accounting Firm

Without the right processes in place, an office’s organization can quickly devolve into chaos, leaving employees feeling overwhelmed and scatter-brained. Implementing the best...

6/20/22 LEARN MORE
High Gas Prices Cause Unusual Midyear Mileage Rate Increase By IRS

If you’ve driven at all in the last few months, you’ve probably noticed the unusually high gas prices across the country. According to AAA, the national average is nearing $5 per...

6/10/22 LEARN MORE
Study: Clients Want Accountants Who Use the Latest Technology

As accountants, you know the importance of client satisfaction—they are the backbone of your business after all. Wouldn’t it be nice to know what was going on inside their heads?...

6/08/22 LEARN MORE
The Most Important Tax Issues For Homeowners

The principal residence is probably the one thing that nearly all our clients have in common! So dealing with the tax situations arising from the principal residence is something...

6/07/22 LEARN MORE
4 Ways Your Company Can Support LGBTQIA+ Communities

It is officially summer! As we step into summer and into June, we also step into a celebration of the LGBTQIA+ communities. A Gallup poll found the percentage of adults in the...

6/01/22 LEARN MORE
First Look Webinar: Come See What's Coming To Canopy

Join us for Canopy's First Look Webinar on Thursday, June 2 at 1 p.m. ET, where you'll hear about all the feature updates coming soon to Canopy's full suite of cloud services.

5/26/22 LEARN MORE
How 2022 Global Consumer Trends Could Impact Your Firm

Times have changed these past few years, haven’t they? There have been so many differences around the world, not only in our personal lives, but in our professional lives as well....

5/19/22 LEARN MORE
Come See Us at AICPA Engage 2022!

After more than one year of staying indoors and working remotely, Canopy is excited to get back out there and attend our first in-person trade show in over a year: the American...

5/16/22 LEARN MORE
Canopy Named Top Performer in Accounting Practice Management Software

Customers speak louder than companies, right? That’s why we’re happy our customers have voted us to win multiple Spring 2022 Capterra awards for our practice management software....

5/12/22 LEARN MORE
Join Canopy at The First AccountingWEB Live Summit

The final countdown is on! Next week is the historic AccountingWEB Live Summit and Canopy is proud to be a sponsor of this event in San Diego, CA. Will you be there? It’s an event...

5/05/22 LEARN MORE
Preparing IRS Schedule-C for Business: What You Need to Know

Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business (Sole Proprietorship) is one of those tax forms that looks simple, but is baited with many traps for the unprepared tax professional.

5/04/22 LEARN MORE
Canopy Wins 5 Accounting Practice Management Software G2 Awards

Loved by our customers. And loved by our customers’ customers. Canopy is building a better (and always improving) accounting practice management software platform for the...

5/03/22 LEARN MORE
Infographic: Clients Want Accountants Who Use the Latest Technology

5/01/22 LEARN MORE

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