
Time to Take Off: 5 Post Tax Season Trip Ideas

You've crossed the finish line. And the weather is starting to warm up. Have you thought about how you’re going to take time off after tax season? What better way to get an early...

4/19/23 LEARN MORE
Easily Set Up Automated Late Fees

What's new: Encourage on-time payments from your clients by setting up automated late fees. With a simple setting option within Canopy, you can automatically apply late fees to...

4/04/23 LEARN MORE
Quickly Upload Files with a Secure Link

What's new: Collect documents faster from clients and stakeholders using a secure link without the need to log into a client portal. Canopy users can easily send a secure link via...

3/28/23 LEARN MORE
Q&A — Filing a Form 2848 for Your Tax Clients

In our recent webinar, "Two Clicks to Transcripts with Dawn Brolin," Dawn discussed the firm-wide benefits of Canopy's Transcripts & Notices tool and how it's increased the value...

3/24/23 LEARN MORE
Get Paid Faster — 3 Ways to Optimize Payments Processing at Your...

Getting paid is how your accounting firm will stay successful — there's no way around it. When it comes to navigating the nuances of getting paid, it's never simple. Here are top...

3/17/23 LEARN MORE
Top 10 Influential Women in Accounting and Tax in 2023

Women make up nearly 60% of the accounting service industry according to 2023 data. In honor of International Women's Day, we rounded up a list of the Top 10 Innovative Women in...

3/08/23 LEARN MORE
IRS Form 941: The Lookback Period and Deposit Schedules

IRS Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return, is used by an employer to report federal income tax withheld from employees (including withholding on sick pay and...

2/10/23 LEARN MORE
20 Hilarious Memes That Will Make Any Accountant Laugh

We know accounting can be a tough field full of numbers and serious work. And sometimes, that work can be taxing (pun intended.) But seriously, we all experience problems with...

2/01/23 LEARN MORE
A Guide for 2023 Tax Season Webinar — Q&A

In our recent webinar, "A Guide for 2023 Tax Season Individual Updates", we provided a quick guide to understanding the updates for the 2023 tax season and highlighted some ways...

2/01/23 LEARN MORE
Canopy Helps Accounting Firm Improve Onboarding Processes

"We log into Canopy in the morning and then when we log out in the afternoon, we're logging out of Canopy. We're literally using it as our workflow management with it throughout...

1/23/23 LEARN MORE
2023 Business Tax Updates

There are many interesting changes in business taxation for the 2023 season! Since tax planning for businesses is an important part of our practice, there are several things we...

1/20/23 LEARN MORE
Tax Clinic Able To Serve 30% More Clients Thanks To Canopy Donation

“We wouldn't have been able to do it this year without Canopy—we wouldn’t have been able to serve 615 people.” — Sherry Almquist, EA and director of Centro Hispano Tax Clinic...

1/19/23 LEARN MORE
A Basic Guide to Using Email Marketing During Tax Season

According to SUMO, the average financial return for email marketing is $44.25 for every $1 spent! Still think email marketing shouldn’t be a priority for your tax practice during...

1/19/23 LEARN MORE
How to Decide Between Self-Study and Live CPE Options

Your success as a tax professional requires numerous hours of continuing professional education but it’s not always easy to find time to take courses. However, those hours of...

1/09/23 LEARN MORE
Everything Accountants Need to Know About the IRS Migration to

This summer, the IRS will transition its online services for tax professionals to third-party authentication software company What does that mean for accountants? You’ll...

1/05/23 LEARN MORE

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