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Oct 14, 2021 2 min read

How To Wish Your Boss a Happy National Boss Day

National Boss Day is this weekend! Here's some ways you can make your fearless leader feel appreciated on their special holiday. ๐Ÿ˜œ

How To Wish Your Boss a Happy National Boss Day

Did you know that National Boss Day is this weekend? Yep, that's right, on Oct. 16! Unfortunately for some accountants, that's the day after a tax deadline...don't worry though, we've got a few easy and quick ways you can still go the extra mile and make your leader feel special on this very important holiday. ๐Ÿ˜œ

An e-card 

Yep, e-cards are still a thing even in 2021. You can find hundreds of free e-cards online and send one to your boss to show them you appreciate their leadership. Just pick one out and send it their way. 

Send a nice message

If you want to be a little more sentimental, consider sending your boss a thoughtful note detailing how much you appreciate them. You don't want to come off as a brown-noser, so don't over do it here. Just be sincere and genuine. 

Bring in a treat

Go in with your coworkers and grab donuts or bagels for the entire office! It's always nice to find an excuse to bring treats into work and what better fake holiday to use than National Boss Day!? 

Use GIFs

Note that we said GIFs, not gifts. This isn't a big holiday, so there's really no need to go overboard. A gift would definitely be a little too much for something like this but a GIF is the perfect way to let your boss know you were thinking of them and appreciate working with them. 


If you're really too busy to execute any of these ideas, then we have one really effortless and simple way to wish your boss a happy Boss Day...send them this blog post to let them know you remembered their special holiday. ๐Ÿ˜œ Stay tuned in March and we'll give you the best tips for how to celebrate your employees on National Employee Day. Did you know this "holiday" existed? Let us know in the comments what you plan to do to celebrate, if anything!

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