May 29, 2024 2 min read

Canopy Shines During Tax Season: A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective

The last 30 of the tax season have seen our operations pushed to their limits, but Canopy has not just survived; it has thrived, showcasing the robustness and efficiency of our platform.

Canopy Shines During Tax Season: A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective

As the dust settles on the most intense period of the year for financial professionals, we're taking a moment to celebrate the incredible achievements of our backend systems and the team behind them during the most recent  tax season. The last 30 days of the tax season have seen our operations pushed to their limits, but Canopy has not just survived; it has thrived, showcasing the robustness and efficiency of our platform.

Unprecedented Volumes

Throughout the peak of tax season, Canopy handled more than 1 BILLION requests, a testament to the trust and reliance placed in our platform by users worldwide. This massive influx of requests translated into a staggering 32 TB of data coursing through Canopy servers, all processed with precision and care.

Performance Under Pressure

At the zenith of demand, our systems managed to sustain a peak load of over 1,500 requests PER SECOND. Amidst this, the average request was handled in just 109 milliseconds, with an average error rate that was almost negligible at 0.00092%. 

Reliability That You Can Count On

Canopy's uptime of 99.93% during such a demanding period speaks volumes about the reliability of our service. Our clients could access their data and perform necessary operations with minimal interruption, ensuring business continuity and client satisfaction.

The Scale of Operations

The sheer scale of data interaction is mind-boggling, with over 250 Billion rows of data retrieved from databases. Imagine trying to read 250 billion pages of a book. That's how much data our servers handled! If you added up all the time our servers spent searching for data, it would be more than 49 days! This shows just how hard our systems work to keep everything running smoothly for you.

Engagement and Productivity

The tax season saw 390,000 users logging in to Canopy, creating 98,000 new clients, and managing 2.7 million tasks. Furthermore, 216,000 invoices were generated, and approximately 6 million files were uploaded to our system, showcasing the platform's comprehensive capability to support a wide range of activities efficiently.


The performance of Canopy during even the last 30 days of tax season is a clear depiction of what is possible when innovation meets dedication. We are proud of what we have achieved and grateful to our community of users who trust us with their most critical tasks during the busiest time of the year. As we look forward to the future, we're inspired to continue pushing the boundaries of what our technology can do, supporting professionals across the globe with a platform that is reliable, efficient, and always improving.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with Canopy. Here's to even greater success in the future!


Chris is a content manager for Canopy, joining the team with a combined eight years of experience as a copywriter, editor-in-chief, and content marketer. He's a skilled wordsmith and strategic thinker who shapes brand identity through compelling content and fosters a collaborative and innovative environment. With a passion for storytelling and a dedication to excellence, he is a driving force behind any company's success in content marketing. Champion of the Oxford comma.


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